MICECC Embarks on a New Era of Development and Modernization
Terre Noire, September 16, 2023 – It was a memorable day in Terre Noire, marked by an extraordinary event as Mission Communautaire de l’Eglise Chrétienne des Cités (MICECC) unveiled its new board of directors and announced an ambitious vision for modernization. Within one of its premises, MICECC gathered a large assembly to celebrate this historic moment and look towards the future.
The ceremony commenced around 9:25 AM with hymns of praise, inviting God to be part of the event. The founder and president of the mission, Dr. Leontes DORLEANS, in his opening remarks, emphasized that it was a day to celebrate what God has accomplished in their lives and, more importantly, in the community. He took the opportunity to briefly trace the history of the mission, from its inception in 1988 to the various challenges they had to overcome to reach this point. In 1990, they opened a school with 32 students and only one teacher, without proper facilities or desks. Today, the mission nurtures various educational and university institutions in Terre Noire, Cité Soleil, and Rapatrier. It took perseverance and, above all, determination to climb these milestones. Dr. DORLEANS acknowledged that he alone could not have turned this great dream into reality, which is why he took the time to thank everyone who lent a helping hand to nurture MICECC and what it represents for the community today. He also expressed gratitude to the former council members and those involved in the transition, who facilitated the integration of new members.

Finally, the most important moment of the ceremony arrived: the presentation of the new composition of the MICECC’s board of directors to the assembly. This board comprises professionals, pastors, and professors, each with a unique connection to the mission. This new council consists of nine members who will lead MICECC for a specified duration.
At the end of his speech, the president introduced the new executive director of the mission, Dr Troy SANON. Born in Haiti, He grew up in New York but decided to return to his homeland to contribute to this great endeavor. Working in Haiti, he stated, was a childhood dream turned reality. He highlighted the new structures in place, capable of furthering the mission’s growth, based on standards and two fundamental pillars: willingness and participation. MICECC is an entity composed of various components, which the new executive director presented to the public, including:
- Cureamericas
- Health Clinic Program
- Vocational School
- Water Project
- School Directors and Superintendents
- Construction Program
- University Sponsorship Program
- Church Committee
- Funeral Insurance

MICECC could not have been the work of one person; it is the result of a collective effort of the entire community. As such, certificates and plaques of honor were awarded to individuals who contributed to the mission’s sustainability, as well as to dedicated current and former workers.
All in all, it is rare for Haitian institutions to make it their mission to renew their leadership team. This suggests that those who lead them are for life and do not create space for successors. MICECC is embarking on modernization, a novelty in institutional democracy, in line with their slogan: « AN AVAN POU PI DEVAN »

Walder Saint Mélus
Reporter Jolie Foto Ent.